
Burson HA-160D - DAC,Preamp,Headamp

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Burson Audio HA-160D
DAC , Wzmacniacz słuchawkowy , Przedwzmacniacz
 w pełni tranzystorowa konstrukcja




Opinie użytkowników i nowości z Burson Audio: 









Burson HA-160D
otrzymuje prestiżowe "WYRÓŻNIENIE ROKU 2013" magazynu "HiFi i Muzyka".


"Burson jest specjalistą od dwóch rodzajów sprzętu - wzmacniaczy słuchawkowych i DACów. HA-160D to... jedno i drugie. Obudowa z grubych aluminiowych płyt wygląda efektownie, ale rarytas kryje się w jej wnętrzu. Świetne komponenty, precyzyjny montaż, zaawansowane zasilanie i potencjometr na drabince rezystorowej to oznaki bezkompromisowego podejścia do tematu.


Równie bezkompromisowy jest dźwięk - przejrzysty, dynamiczny i naturalny, z tendencją do łagodzenia skrajów pasma. Burson nie tnie muzyki, Pozwala jej płynąć tam, gdzie powinna. Do tego należy dodać bardzo dobry przetwornik.


A jeszcze niedawno nikt w Polsce o tej firmie nie słyszał.
Co za debiut!"




Tutaj zarówno sam DAC jak i wzmacniacz
słuchawkowy i preamp są najwyższej jakości.

Burson Audio to konstrukcje z założenia całkowicie zbudowane z elementów dyskretnych.
Nie posiada w ogóle układów zintegrowanych (IC), których przewagą jest niska cena produkcji i implementacji, ale wadą ograniczona, kompromisowa jakość.


Test porównawczy DACów:






Za regulację głośności wzmacniacza słuchawkowego i preampa odpowiada
24 krokowa drabinka rezystorowa.

Jest to rozwiązanie bezkompromisowe stosowane w przedwzmacniaczach z najwyższej półki. Nawet najlepsze potencjometry wprowadzają istotny szum do sygnału audio. Szczególnie na niedużych poziomach głośności. Stąd dla topowej klasy sprzętu od dawna poszukiwano innych rozwiązań.
Precyzyjne, niskoszumne rezystory usuwają kolejne "wąskie gardło" systemu ujawniając skrywane wcześniej detale muzycznego spektaklu, lepsze oddanie transjentów, rytmu, lokalizacji i barwy.


Drabinki firmy DACT same kosztują ponad 500zł ! A jakie dają rezultaty?
"Stepped to heaven"





BURSON AUDIO - Melbourne , Australia


Jeśli coś jest tworzone z ideałami , pasją i w sposób indywidualny, nie seryjny to efekt końcowy zawsze przewyższy wszystko co jest produkowane masowo i kierowane głównie zyskiem.
Ta prosta zasada sprawdza się w każdziej dziedzinie, od stolarki czy kamieniarstwa po produkcję samochodów i jest z całą pewnością prawdziwa w świecie muzyki, instrumentów i produkcji sprzętu audio. 


When something is designed with ideals and custom made  the old school way, the end result will always surpass anything that is mass produced and profit driven.This simple rule applies to all things,  from  carpentry, and masonry to automobiles, and it is certainly the rule for the world of music and audio design. 




Our HA-160 headphone amplifier was painstakingly hand built, with each component exhaustingly matched.   It was based on a design with only sonic purity in mind and free from the constraints and downfalls of standard production building blocks such as ICs and 3 pin power regulators.  The end result  has been applauded by many audio critics around the world and more importantly appreciated by fellow headphone audiophiles who share our passion for music.  Through the HA-160D, we hope to deliver even more of our  idealism  and understanding through a single machine that is unmistakably Burson.  


2 letnia gwarancja polskiego dystrybutora GFmod Audio Research




A tak prezentuje się na żywo:

link wideo Burson HA-160D from Morten Teinum on Vimeo.




Burson HA-160D
(DAC / Headphone Amp / Preamp)

The HA-160D took over 18 months to realize.  Apart from the DAC chip, the entire machine was meticulously hand assembled with top grade,  perfectly matched discrete components.  It is powered by 5 sets of custom built low noise power supplies to eliminate noise pollution.   We have also  employed two custom built transformers to ensure the job was done properly.   One transformer is used to power our HD Audio DAC, while the other  purely supplies power to the hungry  Class-A amplification circuitry.  It ensures that the DAC stage and the headphone amp stage are working independently and at an optimum level,  while still in complete synergy.


Projekt HA-160D zajął 18 miesięcy do czasu realizacji. 


The result is a high definition DAC, headphone amp, preamp 3 in 1 machine that is entirely uncompromised.


To better serve the growing popularity of PC based audio systems,  the HA-160D also features a USB input function which is compatible with both Mac and PCs.





Możliwość słuchania muzyki z komputera umożliwia  układ USB zapewniający bezstratną transmisję danych o jakości  24bity 96kHz. Wyposażony jest też w niezależny, precyzyjny zegar i rozbudowane zasilanie. W rezultacie jakość dźwięku najczęściej jest nawet lepsza z USB niż z coaxiala.

Interesująca jest informacja cytowana za inżynierami z Lavry Engineering i Benchmark Media, że większość współczesnych układów przetworników nie pracuje wystarczająco szybko przy transmisji 192kHz.
Owocuje to znacznym wzrostem przypadkowych szumów i niedokładności konwersji w stosunku choćby do próbkowania 96kHz.

"Interestingly, pro-audio firms Benchmark Media and Lavry Engineering have gone on record that most modern DAC chips don't operate fast enough at 192kHz where they suffer significantly higher out-of-band noise than at 96kHz (John Siau of Benchmark cites a whopping 40dB advantage in stopband attenuation for 96kHz operation over 192kHz in fact)."















HA-160D vs Weiss DAC 2

“I prefer the Burson DAC to my Weiss DAC2.
It was inevitable that I'd eventually come across such a converter. It's part of the never-ending hobby. I simply so did not expect it at 1/3rd the price.” 

Srajan Ebaen









DAC Burson  Audio HA-160D system HD-800

Na zdjęciu Burson HA-160D podczas testu z Weiss DAC 2 i Antelope Zodiac+




A performance focused volume control

At the time when an audio signal is passing through the volume control, it is still at its weakest.  At this stage, the audio signal is very vulnerable to noise pollution and interference.  A major source of such distortion is the commonly used remote volume control adopted by most manufactures.


Burson Audio recognized the drawbacks associated with remote volume controls and deemed them unacceptable.  Instead, we developed a 24 stepped attenuator, constructed with the best quality components available.  Our Burson stepped attenuator ensures preservation of even the weakest audio signal;  The air between instruments, the decay after an attack and all micro details that makes music enjoyable.      



Burson HD Audio DAC

While most of the marketing spin centres on the DAC chip, the output stages are in fact the most critical stages in any audio DAC design.  They are not getting the air time that they deserve because properly designed output stages are complex and expensive, and the concept is harder to sell to a customer compared to a DAC chip model number.


After the digital signals (0s and 1s) are converted by the DAC chip into stereo signals, A chain of output stages are needed to reconstruct, preserve and amplify the very weak analog signals.  Any distortion and signal loss during these stages is irreversible.  Unfortunately, due to the lack of customer awareness of the output stages, they are where most audio companies cut their costs, and it is common to see an output stage designed around a $20 IC opamp.


The HA-160D has fully discrete output stages that are independently powered.  Operating in Class-A, they ensure the highest level of signal preservation. The result is higher resolution audio playback, with a completely transparent sonic signature consistent with our ideals





HA-160D ma w pełni tranzystorowy stopień analogowy, jak również konwersję I/V. Wszystko to z niezależnym zasilaniem również stabilizowanym dedykowanymi układami tranzystorowymi Burson Audio.

Część analogowa pracuje w czystej klasie A, przez co zapewnia najniższy możliwy współczynnik zniekształceń. Rezultatem jest wyższa rozdzielczość dźwięku i pełne zachowanie niuansów zarejestrowanego nagrania.







Input impedance: 47 KOhms

Frequency response: 5Hz (-0.3dB) to 35 kHz (-1dB)

Signal to noise ratio: >98dB at 0dB gain


Channel separation: >70dB/10kHz

Output power: 650mW/300 Ohms, 800mW/60 Ohms

Output impedance: line out 60 Ohms, phones out 5 Ohms

Power dissipation:

Dimensions: 265 mm x 250 mm x 80 mm




      1 x USB Connection (Support up to 24bit @ 96Khz with 10ppm low jitter clock)

      1 x Coaxial RCA (Support up to 24bit @ 192Khz)

     3 x gold plated RCA (line level input)


       2 x headphone jacks 6.35mm

       1 x  pre -out with 10Db gain


Weight: app. 7 kg

Colour: silver anodized aluminium











Burson HA-160D with Sennheiser HD650 feedback by Vernon C. //

."I received the HA-160D today and so far it has been AMAZING! Even without the full burn in time, this amp has already been a huge improvement. I noticed the bass has tightened a lot, and the headphones are so much more transparent. Each instrument can be heard with clarity and separation. I would recommend this item to any audiophile looking to get into the high-end territory. Thank you for the excellent product! Vernon C.

Burson HA-160D & Audeze LCD-2 feedback by Karim M. //

I want to thank you for creating such marvelous Headphone amp/DAC. I am amazed by the sound quality this little unit produces. The sound is crystal clear and well balanced. It makes my LCD-2s sing. Everything is as described on your web site. Highly recomanded ! Karim.

Burson HA-160D feedback by Nico H. with ATH AD1000PRM & Woodied Alessandro //

."I found Burson is a really great "one box solution". Burson has really good synergy to ATH"...  Thank you. Nico H. Full review:

Burson HA-160D & Grado HF2 feedback by Komkrit //

Setup: PC > Burson HA-160D > Grado HF2 ..."Im very happy with the Burson HA-160D.  It give a sweet sound for me"... Komkrit

Burson HA-160D with Sennheiser HD650 feedback by Yannick D. //

"I am very satisfied with this material. the sound quality is excellent. Cordially Yannick D.

Burson HA-160D with HD800 feedback by Eduard C. //
As you can see from the attached picture, HE is shining like a real jewel and is fitting very well in my relaxation room. Obviously it's not a matter of aesthetics; when I listen to BURSON's sound everything around me simply disappear. Talking about musical recordings, the old man you can see on the display in the attached picture, once said: This cannot be music, it is only canned food (simplified quote from memory, translated from Romanian). Without any intent to disturb his holy spirit, a...

Burson HA-160D with Beyerdynamic Dt770 pro (250 ohm) feedback by Rendhy //

I just received the HA-160D in excellent condition, And i want to comment a few words about the HA-160D. Burson HA-160D is truly REMARKABLE!! I was amazed by how well they sounded right out of the box... I can't imagine how well they sounds after burn in 100 hours...WOW!! HA-160D is really a work of art..!!!  HA-160d actually produces sound I had been looking for this..!! Thank you so much! Rendhy

Burson HA-160D feedback by James C. with Sennheiser HD650 //

."My Burson produces beautiful, rich warm sounds, and can handle the lows and highs of the music with ease. It?s a beauty ? nice and solid ? and I would recommend a HA-160D to anyone!" James C.

Burson HA-160D with HD650 feedback by Mike P. //

"I am enjoying the HA-160D a lot. The unit has a transparent, involving sound that so far has avoided harshness and maintained great dynamics with no sense of strain". Mike.

Burson HA-160D feedback by Denny C. with Logitech Squeezebox & HD650 headphones //

I connect it up with my Squeezebox player & Computer. The sound has never been better. It's warmer, create more upstaging, and tight bass. When I listen to Bach's harpsichord playing, closed my eyes, the harpsichord felt in front of me. I never quite listen to harpsichord music because it sounds fake. But after I connect my HA-160D, the sound becomes real. Bach's harpsichord is never quite the same anymore. Cheers, Denny C

Burson HA-160D feedback by George M. with Sennheiser HD800 //

"I've found HA-160D on the internet. It is a very good amplifier"... George

Burson HA-160D with Sennheiser HD650 feedback by RichardL. //

"This amp provided a larger soundstage, warmth, and stable clear sound without any jarring (even on louder settings). My favourite thing with the amp was the extra detail that it gave and it took my music to another level. It made the songs sound even more livelier than ever. This is a perfect match for my HD650s. Richard L.

Burson HA-160D feedback by Jacques M. with iPod classic, Cambridge audio id100 dock & AKG701 headphones //

."Love the sound of the Burson (it replaced my Music hall)"... Jacques M

Burson HA-160D with Denon CN615 feedback by Jim G. //
..."I am an audiophile from the early 90?s and I am returning to my hobby after a long hiatus. I was previously using a Creek CD60 cd player. I recently purchased a Denon CN615 as a backup cd player. Eventually my CD60 broke and I purchased the Burson 160D to use as a dac with the Denon as a transport only. I am very impressed because the 160D does not have that typical hard edge transistor sound, in fact it is a warm sound. I can say with all honesty that this dac will extract as much detai...

Burson HA-160D feedback by Holger B. with Beyerdynamic DT 880 PRO //

When listening high definition audio in good master studio quality, then the hearing impression is, as the musicians would play live in my room, thats very impressive!! Because of the clarity and transparency of the sound, also the "mistakes" of not so good mastered sound is "unfortunately" good to hear :-) Anyway, the HA-160D is my birthday present to myself. Thanks for the engineering of this piece.

Burson HA-160D with Denon AH-D7000 & Akg K701 Feedback by Mauricio R. //

I send you a photo of my beautiful and fantastic new Burson Audio HA-160D. I'm very happy with your wonderful sound. In the photo you can see my cans (Denon AH-D7000 and AKG-K701). Mauricio R.

Burson HA-160D feedback by Loevhagen //
..."Burson HA-160D. The finish of Burson is one of the best I've ever seen. Sober, solid and trustworthy"... Source:

Burson HA-160D with Grado SR80 feedback by Andrea L. //

..."I can say that this is the best headphone amplifier that I have listened. The sound is detailed and balanced listening every type of music, I really have a new taste in listening music using the headphone"... Andrea L.

Burson HA-160D feedback by Dan C. with Sennheiser HD650 //
 Thank you for the great product! The difference between the Burson HA-160D & other headphone amps (Rudister RPX-33, Grace 901,etc) I've owned are miles ahead. Makes a great preamp too. Dan C.


Burson HA-160D with AKG K701 feedback by Russell S. //

I have been using it now for about 8 months, mostly as a headphone amp and also using the pre-out as a dac for a rega amp. Very full body with plenty of detail for the AKG 701 headphones. Russell.

Burson HA-160D with ATH-W5000 feedback by Neil C. //
I have to first say that I am quite impressed with the System. They really lifted the quality of my sound system, and which basically consisted of my sound card and my headphones. I have both my computer (optic


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