Beresford Capella
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Beresford Capella
nietypowy wzmacniacz słuchawkowy od Stanleya Beresforda
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Wyposażony w ciekawe i niespotykane dotąd nigdzie fukcje Beresford Capella jest wręcz skazany na podobny sukces. Funkcje takie jak: regulowany współczynnik tłumienia (damping factor), głębia sceny, czułość słuchawek, balans kanałów czy regulacja wysokich tonów nie spotkamy w innych wzmacniaczach.
To gładki, czysty dźwięk, Capella jest stworzona do długich sesji ze słuchawkami na głowie, bo nic w tym brzmieniu nie męczy, nic nie przeszkadza. Jest ciepło, jest bardzo ładna średnica, przy czym niczego tutaj wzmacniacz nie robi na siłę, nie koloryzuje, nie dodaje. To ciepło to charakter, ale nie bezwzględny wybór określonego sposobu kształtowania brzmienia, bo tytułowy sprzęt pozwala na wydobycie z podłączonych doń słuchawek esencji, a to nie zdarza się za często."
Gain Control
The Capella uses a variable gain control to adjust both headphone impedance and sensitivity. The gain control range is suitable for the
adjustment of the sensitivity of headphones between 12 Ohms and 600 Ohms.
Damping Control
Different headphones have a different resonance frequency and bass response sensitivity The Capella provides
one of four selectable current/voltage levels to control the voice coil damping for the best bass control and
HF Control
Some headphones have a very pronounced treble, which can ruin an otherwise brilliant listening experience.
Some headphone users also suffer from ringing in the ears etc. from even a modest amount of treble. the
Capella offers a high frequency control to dampen the HF response gradually so that excessively bright headphones can be tamed to a more
acceptable user requirement.
Depth Control
Depending on the design of some headphones, the vocals and some instruments can sound a bit detached from the rest of the music. It can
sound a bit too far back, or far too forward. The Depth control offers a reasonable amount of control of the apparent forward/backward
position of the music.
Balance Control
There are occasions when the relative balance between left and right headphone output signal needs to be
adjusted. The Balance control is designed to give you that level of control.
Peak Signal Level Detect
This allows the Capella to detect high level overload conditions and indicate their presence via a left and right
LED hidden behind the volume control. The softer light from the hidden LEDs is far less imposing.
3.5mm analogue input
The Capella offers a 3.5mm input option for portable audio players and mobile phones headphone outputs so that the Capella can be used as
a better headphone driving source. The Peak Level Detector will start to light up if the input signal is set too high.
Preamplifier output
The Capella pass-through LINE ouput is in fact a variable output of preamplifier specification. It is therefore suitable for use as a preamplifier if
required. Only the Peak Level Detect, balance, and volume control on the front panel of the Capella are also available for use in the
preamplifier section.
12 Volt battery operation option and DC pass-through
Due to the highly efficient design and low energy requirement placed on the power supply, the Capella is also capable of operating from a
12Volt battery source. A DC OUT socket allows the Capella to share a single power supply with any of our current range of DACs.
Moc 2x2W max